Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pornography + Feminism

I came across this picture while putting together my powerpoint slides on my paper examining pornography's relationship to feminism. Though I don't know I agree with it, I was very happy to find a picture that so succintly encapsulates the question I am trying to answer in my paper. What are your thougths? Is it a critique of post-feminism? An endorsement? In other words, is it suggesting that we are foolish to think we're finished with feminism, when things such as "cum-shots" are so glorified? Or is it promoting pornography and even "cum-shots" as the new feminism?


  1. Oh my GOD, I don't even know what to say. I find this pretty unsettling. Maybe I'm conservative in this way, but it's difficult to see pornography - and this "cum-shot" in particular as a new wave of feminism. If feminism is meant to question and arguably end the perpetuation of gender constructs that harm women... then I don't see it in this. It's not empowering, nor is it helpful. Then again, this is my humble opinion :)

  2. Though I am not yet done with my paper - I have to agree with you. Thanks for commenting!
