Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Vagina Monologues

I went to go see the Vagina Monologues on Saturday. This was my second time watching them (I watched them last year) and I enjoyed them just as much. I was surprised at all the men in the room and they all seemed to be enjoying themselves. Before college, this wouldn't be something I would normally be interested in watching. Now, I think the concept is really inspiring. It simply tells the stories of women and how they feel about their vagina's in a world where having a vagina gives one less rights. There are stories that women in the audience can relate to, laugh with, and cry with. It was also cool because they added in parts about SF and USF. My favorite one was one the story about how the women's vagina was pissed off and angry. This one was especially funny, but it also made a point. That it's time vaginas were treated with respect and allowed the freedom without being scared or restricted. It's time they were treated gently and given the opportunity and most importantly priority in receiving pleasure. Basically, women are becoming fed up, and are going to fight for what they want until they get it. "Hell hath no fury like a women scorned."
One thing I found interesting is that women go for years without even looking at their vagina. Why is that? There was a story about a woman who finally saw it and was empowered, and another about a woman who when a man saw her vagina and thought it was beautiful, it empowered her. You would never hear of a man never looking at his penis. It really makes you think of what each sex prioritizes and why.
I also liked how they paid tribute to rape victims and in the end each actress said why she was performing these women's stories in the Vagina Monologues. It makes me think what I my vagina would wear, say, or think if I were to be interviewed. 

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