Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Workshop Response

The workshop was definitely an interesting experience. I have never participated or experienced anything like the workshop so it was a new, learning experience. One aspect of the class I really enjoy are the guest speakers. Although the class discussions are very interesting, it is important and vital to bring in outside experts and speakers on the topics we are focusing on.

Because I was unable to attend the earlier session of the workshop, my first activity was the drawing activity. Although a massive internal eye roll ensued when she told us to close our eyes and clear our thoughts, the moment was especially helpful in preparing us for the drawings. When she told us to draw pictures of violence, it was fascinating to see and hear about the different perceptions of violence we all hold. In the case of my group, while some of us focused on the human aspect of violence (the emotions that come with violence, how our bodies look after being stabbed, shot, etc) we also drew images of some of the more popular perpetrators of violence. Swords, guns, knives, tanks, and other military equipment.

In terms of the pictures for harmony/happiness, a lot of the images in my group focused on nature and what we perceive as happiness/harmony. For example, I drew an image of a beach with the sunset and a sailboat in the water. While I am not too fond of visiting beaches and the ocean in general, I drew it because the image of beaches and the sun are often images connected to happiness. The same happened with another person in my group regarding meditation. While she herself was not a fan of meditation, she drew it because meditation is often seen as something relaxing and harmonious. Finally, all of the members of the group drew pictures of nature. Whether it be a park, a tree or the ocean, we all associated nature as an example of harmony and happiness. After going around to everyone, it was nice to learn about the different perceptions of violence and happiness/harmony we all hold.

In terms of the mini lecture each of the speakers gave one by one after the drawing exercise, it was interesting to hear their different perspectives, opinions, experiences and beliefs. It was also nice to have a little debate going on afterwards. But the one part of the talk that really stood out to be was Caron's talk about the issue of Fifty Shades of Grey and The Twilight Series and the issue of how women are fascinated and interested in the issue of liking or romanticizing their captors. Although I am not a fan of the Twilight Series or Fifty Shades of Grey it is interesting to note because of how popular each of the books/series are today. In the case of the Twilight Series, a lot of my friends who read, watch and genuinely enjoy the series see it simply as a romance novel. They seem to forget about or completely disregard the fact that Bella romanticizes with her captor. After the popularity of these types of novels, it will be interesting to see whether it will (or has) lead/led to an increase in these types of books.

Overall, the workshop was helpful and interesting  Although I would have liked for a little more time for debate among the class (but more specifically among the speakers) it was fun nonetheless. Also, the spicy chicken wrap was quite delicious.

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